
Prizmo 5 for iOS Delivers Fast Scanning and Powerful OCR

August 27th 2019

By John Voorhees
in English

Creaceed has been refining the scanning process for years, and with version 5 of Prizmo, it has reduced scanning to just three steps.

Prizmo 5 review: Mobile scanner app makes it a snap to capture documents

October 7th 2019

By J.R. Bookwalter
in English

When it comes to mobile scanner apps, Prizmo 5 is unmatched for its fast, streamlined workflow and high-quality scans.

Powerful iOS scanning app Prizmo 5 launches with Siri Shortcuts, on-device and cloud-based OCR, iCloud syncing, much more

August 27th 2019

By Michael Potuck
in English

Prizmo developer Creaceed has launched version 5 of its powerful iOS scanning app […] with a host of new capabilities for an improved experience.

The most advanced scanning app comes from Belgium /
L'application de scanning la plus évoluée du monde est belge

August 27th 2019

By Cédric Godart
in French

Pour son 11e anniversaire, l'entreprise montoise - qui fut la toute première entreprise belge présente sur l'App Store d'Apple - lance la 5e version de son application de numérisation Prizmo, appelée à devenir "l'application de scanning la plus évoluée".

OCR : Prizmo 5 remet tout à plat

August 27th 2019

By Mickaël Bazoge
in French

Les développeurs de Creaceed ont mis l'accent sur la rapidité de la capture : en trois gestes, on peut lancer la numérisation d'un document, nettoyer et obtenir le texte, puis l'exporter (en PDF par exemple) dans un nuage ou le partager.

Test: Prizmo 5 scanne et reconnait vos documents à grands coups de machine learning

August 27th 2019

By Arnaud
in French

Au final, Prizmo 5 s’impose comme une refonte majeure d’un logiciel qui était déjà performant. Il gagne à l’occasion une rapidité de mise en œuvre qui le fait rivaliser avec les meilleurs, et permet l’accès à des moteurs de reconnaissance optique de qualité. Un excellent choix.

Prizmo 5: Neuer Dokumenten-Scanner für iPhone und iPad

August 27th 2019

By iPhone-Ticker
in German

Prizmo 5 kann Aufnahmen optimieren und kümmert sich um die Anpassung von Ausrichtung, Perspektive und Zuschnitt, ist in der Lage Texte vorzulesen, besitzt eine Auto-Upload-Funktion.


Prizmo scanner samt texterkennung fuer ios erhaelt grosses update auf version 5.0

August 27th 2019

By Mel
in German

Ebenfalls neu: Das DOCX-Format zur Ausgabe von Text und Layout in editierbarer Form kann an andere Apps wie Apple Pages oder Microsoft Word weitergeleitet werden.

Dit zijn de beste apps om documenten te scannen met je iPhone

August 28th 2019

By iCulture
in Dutch

In een paar stappen scan je razendsnel allerlei soorten documenten. De scanner herkent direct de vorm van je bestand en met de bewerkingsmogelijkheden kun je alles nog nauwkeuriger bijsnijden.

Prizmo 5 iPhone iPad – Retour du Meilleur Scanner iOS

August 27th 2019

By MaxiApple
in French

Prizmo de l’éditeur Creaceed fait indiscutablement partie des outils bureautiques incontournables sur iOS et cette version 5 ne fait que le confirmer.

Nouvelle version de l’appli de gestion documentaire mobile Prizmo 5

August 28th 2019

By Brigitte Doucet
in French

Les nouveautés de cette nouvelle version sont de deux ordres. D’une part, une refonte en profondeur de l’ergonomie et de l’interface. D’autre part, le recours à une certaine dose d’“intelligence artificielle”.

L’app Prizmo 100% belge renaît enfin

August 27th 2019

By Patrick Van Campenhout
in French

L’app est donc très réactive, très souple, et permet une foule de manipulation des textes scannés.

Prizmo 5 Scanning App for iPhone and iPad: OCR-Enabled iOS Scanner App

August 31st 2019

By Jayesh Purohit
in English

It’s a feature-rich app! Explore it and you can’t help but appreciate Prizmo 5.

NosillaCast #747

September 1st 2019

By Christian Hölscher
in English

The scans done automatically with Prizmo 5 are very good already and I love the options to manually get contrast, brightness, perspective and much much more right afterwards, if necessary.

Prizmo 5 schreit: „Go paperless!“

August 30th 2019

in German

Die alte Version konnte nicht mit Microsoft Lense, FineScanner oder Scanbot mithalten; die komplett überarbeitete Anwendung springt dagegen sofort auf Augenhöhe der Konkurrenten.

Prizmo 5 iOS scanning app; a review

September 12th 2019

By Erik Vlietinck (Visuals Producer)
in English

It’s a nail in the coffin of other scanning apps that I’ve tried over the years.

Prizmo - Scanning, OCR, and Speech

December 13th 2016

in English

Prizmo 4 for iOS is now available with improved design and workflow, alongside brand new features!

Les 10 meilleures applis made in Belgium du moment

October 25th 2016

By Etienne Froment
in French

Mondialement reconnu, le logiciel a été sélectionné par Apple comme l’une des meilleures applis payantes sur iPhone.

Recensione: Prizmo per iOS, scansione ed OCR in mobilità

October 10th 2015

By Vincenzo Vignieri
in Italian

Personalmente ho trovato l'applicazione particolarmente efficace, in quanto consente un'ottima ricognizione dei margini delle pagine in automatico e riesce ad eseguire in batch l'OCR sul testo di tutte le foto presenti nel progetto. Le app concorrenti, come alcune più blasonate tipo Scanbot, invece richiedono che il lavoro venga eseguito per singola pagina. Prizmo integra anche la possibilità di tradurre il testo al volo in svariate lingue e di esportare il tutto.

Prizmo app review: a go-to photo scanner

February 7th 2015

in English

Now this isn't your average run of the mill scanner; with this app you can expect very high-quality scans and a whole list of user-friendly tools and features.

Prizmo Is The iOS OCR App Champ

February 3d 2015

By Brooks Duncan
in English

Hard To Beat

Prizmo 4 optimisé iOS 8, avec gestion de Hand Off

September 17th 2014

By Arnaud
in French

Prizmo, l’excellent logiciel de reconnaissance de textes de Creaceed, un logiciel universel pour iOS, sera prêt, ce soir, pour l’arrivée d’iOS 8. .

Apple and accessibility: Helping students with dyslexia

August 8th 2014

By Brian Meersma
in English

Can you imagine not being able to read printed words? What would your life be like if books, newspapers, websites, email, and even signs were all virtually incomprehensible to you? How would you get through the day? For up to one in five people like me with dyslexia these are not hypothetical questions, they are our reality. Yet, thanks to accessibility technologies built into Apple's iPhone, iPad, and Mac, it's a reality that can be challenged.

Scanning scripts on your iPhone with Weekend Read + Prizmo

February 20th 2014

By John August
in English

How to go from a printed screenplay to a script in Weekend Read,
using just your iPhone and Prizmo.

Monday Tech Tip: Prizmo

February 10th 2014

By David Frye
in English

Logo site Suisse tests

Prizmo 3 pour iPad et iPhone: superbe!

October 4th 2013
By François Cuneo
in French
Si déjà, j'ai beaucoup apprécié Prizmo sur Mac, je dois dire que j'ai été tout simplement époustouflé par la version iPhone et iPad.

Bref, Prizmo fait tout, mais ce qui est magnifique, c'est la qualité de l'interface, qui est juste belle à tomber par terre. Tout est pensé "juste", que ce soit sur iPhone ou sur iPad.

Il me semble vraiment que ces programmeurs ont pensé à tout. J'adore.

Logo mac iOS podcast allison sheridan

NosillaCast #438

September 29th 2013

By Allison Sheridan
in English

I think Prizmo is a terrific product for OCR of documents, and they’ve come a long way from their earlier efforts if you tried them a long time ago. I found the interface pretty easy to use, and actually turning on VoiceOver helped me understand better what I was supposed to be doing with the controls, because it was able to read out loud to me essentially what would be Tool Tips if we only had the hover option on iOS that we have on OS X.

Prizmo is a universal app, none of this charge twice nonsense for the iPhone and iPad from Creaceed. Prizmo will cost you $9.99 in the iTunes store, and if you need to scan in text more than once, I really think it’s worth the price. they did another cool thing – they put the (free) user guide up in the iBooks store. If you’re also blind, this app could be a fantastic tool for you too.

Logo site tablette tactile

Prizmo, et l'iPad se transforme en un scanner polyvalent

September 29th 2013

By Eddy Maniette
in French

Les nombreux réglages, comme celui du contraste ou de la saturation, permettront d’avoir un texte le plus lisible possible pour cette fonction OCR. Jouer un peu avec ces fonctionnalités pourra améliorer significativement la qualité du texte à la sortie. Pour l’avoir expérimenté, la fiabilité est au rendez-vous.

À noter que l’application se veut intelligente pour repérer la zone avec l’image en question. Là encore, nous avons été séduits par le rendu final de notre document après numérisation, l’application fait des merveilles.

Logo site deafblind UK

Prizmo – A Powerful Digital Inclusion Tool

September 2013

By Sean Page
in English

He took the time to show me a few things he uses, but one app really stood out for me. This standout app is called Prizmo; available on the Apple App store for £6.99. This post gives you a quick overview of just what £7 can do to change your life.

In an app market full of OCR, this is a worthy one to have in your accessibility arsenal that goes a long way to help you be digital by default. And in professional circles the software costs in the region of four figures, so this is definitely a money saving option.

Prizmo 2 pour iOS

August 31st 2013

By Jen
in French

Un excellent travail de l'équipe de Prizmo qui a permis de littéralement porter Prizmo avec très peu d'éléments manquants.
Bien sûr, les conditions d'export sont un peu plus limitées. Néanmoins, pour un logiciel qui fonctionne sur iPhone et iPad, très franchement le résultat est excellent.

Autant dire que par rapport à son concurrent direct ReadIris, l'interface et les possibilités de traitement sont largement supérieures, et évidemment la balance aura tendance à pencher du côté de Prizmo.

Note Vous et Votre Mac: 5 étoiles

Prizmo 2 (iOS): OCR multilingue sur iPad

"Vous et Votre Mac" Magazine nr. 91 - July-August 2013

By Bernard Le Du
in French

Prizmo 2 sur iPad est une belle application, à l’interface élégante, mais aussi polyvalente et dotée de puissantes fonctions d’OCR et de traduction. C’est un sacré cocktail! L’équipe de Creaceed a été très réactive pour corriger les bogues qui sont remontés dès que l’application a été disponible sur l’App Store. L’application est maintenant sans soucis et évolue régulièrement!

Monday Tech Tip: Prizmo OCR app for iOS devices

June 10th 2013

By Wade Wingler and Brian Norton
in English

Great app for persons who have print disabilities, people who have difficulty reading, persons with dyslexia or something similar, helps them be able to get the information, better understand the information, or have it read to them.

Review: Prizmo

June 2nd 2013

By Tim Claeys
in Dutch

Prizmo is een veelzijdige app. Prizmo is wat ons betreft een zeer nuttige app, het kan namelijk vele activiteiten enorm vergemakkelijken.

Prizmo – Scanner mit OCR Funktion

May 20th 2013

By Tobias
in German

App ist sauber und nicht zu verspielt gehalten. Hat bei mir jetzt die Universalapp ScannerPro abgelöst, OCR ist schon verlockend und macht Sinn bei einem längeren Text. Man braucht nur sein Stichwort in die Suche eintippen und Dir wird alles angezeigt.

Créez des scans avec reconnaissance de texte avec Prizmo pour iPhone

May 18th 2013

By Zoncolan3
in French

À mon sens, c'est la meilleure application pour faire de la recherche de texte et des scans. Enfin, scans + recherche de texte, sachant que moi j'ai quand même testé pas mal d'applis comme Doc Scan Pro ou My Scans Pro qui sont pas mal mais l'interface est bien moins moins faite, et surtout vous n'avez pas cette synchronisation entre une application Mac et une application iPhone.

Coup d'oeil sur l'OCR de Prizmo 2 pour iPhone et iPad

May 14th 2013

By Florian Innocente
in French

Les outils pour préparer l'image avant son OCR ont été améliorés, par exemple une loupe pour ajuster précisément le cadre de rognage et d'autres pour l'éclaircir, mieux faire ressortir les textes et débarrasser le texte numérisé de parties inutiles.
Les articles du journal ont été plutôt bien voire très bien analysés et de limiter à peu de choses le travail de correction derrière.
Prizmo est une solution mobile d'OCR plus qu'abordable. Les rapides essais conduits ici montrent que le logiciel peut se révéler très capable.

Comparing OCR Scanning Apps – ZoomReader, Prizmo and TextGrabber

June 17th 2012

By Carol Leynse Harpold
in English

Character recognition accuracy: 99%

I heavily rely on Dropbox to manage documents and am looking for tools for print disabled individuals to access text on the fly with text to speech making Prizmo a strong choice of mine. (...)

logo of the website

Review: Prizmo for iPhone

December 23rd 2010

By Bob Faulhaber
in English

Scanning and OCR with your iPhone? If you have had a need and could not find a suitable or accurate enough app, well your wait is over. Prizmo for iPhone from Creaceed allows you to check that requirement off your list and gives you a tool to scan text, business cards, receipts and more.

(...) Prizmo takes a photo or uses existing photos in your photo library and allows you to OCR the image and captures the information quickly and easily saving you time and avoiding re-typing information that you want to keep. (...)

Since accuracy is extremely important when capturing and OCR’ing documents, I tested two other items (newspaper excerpt and business card) and again achieved 100% accuracy with the OCR. (...)

Prizmo: iPhone/iPod Touch OCR App

October 22nd 2010

By Carol Walker, eLearning Advisor
in English

Prizmo - iPhone OCR Software

October 8th 2010

By Chris Pirillo
in English

This app amazed me so much that I had to get Kat out of bed to help me record this video while she was here visiting. She had the flu, but was still extremely impressed with how well Prizmo can capture text and display it beautifully on the iPhone. It really is THAT good. website logo

Prizmo: Beautiful OCR for iPhone

August 23rd 2010

By Federico Viticci
in English

Oh yes, the main screen: it looks gorgeous. It’s organized in vertical tabs, with dark UI elements that make the white icons stand out and help you in easily navigate through tha various sections of the app. Attention to details and UI has clearly been put in every part of the app by the developers. Great job, Creaceed. (...)

How did the app perform with my docs? With text documents, perfectly. I had to balance white and adjust perspective a little bit (maybe just because I’m a bad photographer), but after that Prizmo managed to capture text in seconds and provide accurate results. (...)

What I really love about Prizmo for iPhone is the workflow: it takes seconds to take a picture, optimize it and get text. The developers nailed it with the interface (it’s intuitive) and the features Prizmo comes with. (...)

TUAW American website logo

Prizmo is a pretty amazing iPhone app for OCR and more

August 21st 2010

By Mel Martin
in English

You can add Prizmo to the list of great demo apps, and it's going to be a very useful app for a lot of people. Prizmo combines OCR (Optical Character Recognition), text to speech, and translation all in one place. (...)

Does it work? Yes, and quite well. For most OCR tasks, the accuracy is very high. Like most OCR apps, you may have to fix a letter or some errant mistake, but my results were very good. You have to have a good image to start with, well lit and in focus. The iPhone camera will take care of the focus, and the app provides super-imposed grid lines to help you hold the camera straight. (...)

There are other programs that do OCR, other programs that do text to speech, and others still that will do translations. This is the first program that integrates these functions into a solid app. (...)

Cnet Tap That App Video: Prizmo for iPhone

August 11th 2010

By Josh Lowensohn
in English

Since it put so many features in one little package, we think it's really a killer deal for the money.
image from Cnet Tap That App Show about Prizmo