Powerful HDR app
Combines multiple exposures into an HDR image that can be tone mapped. Optimized for latest macOS enhancements.
New Tone Mapper
More accurate tone mapper that allows real time editing in full resolution. Various settings provided: Range Compression, Shadow Boosting, Highlight Recovery, etc. Additional "per-scope" settings also available to edit specific image regions.
Built-in Presets
12 tone mapper presets are provided to quickly tune towards a given target. Fine tuning can still be applied from the chosen preset by manual adjustment.
Project List
Original app-maintained projects list to enable easy project management. Hydra projects can also be exported to the file system when needed.
OS Integration
Integration with OS services for output (export to messaging apps, social networks). Share extension to import images from other apps
Optimized for Metal
Modern Metal-based display and computation architecture, that allows fast and accurate rendering. OpenGL fallback & resolution limits are available for older Macs.
System Requirements
Operating System: macOS 10.12 Sierra or later
GPU compatible with OpenGL Core Profile 4.1 (HD Graphics 4000 or latest).
More info. Comparison Tool & Flashing
Splitscreen comparison of tone-mapped image against input images or the merged image (HDR). Flashing of overexposed and underexposed regions of the image.
Settings Snapshots
Multiple image settings can be saved in the project to quickly move between them.
User Experience
Elegant and modern user interface that makes use of latest OS features like translucency, and animated transitions. Prepare mode to setup input images before merging; Develop mode to edit tone mapper settings before export.
Image Alignment Technology
Automatic or manual homography computation. Alignment points can be precisely located manually with edge-enhanced views of reference and target image. Tool to preview alignment before processing image in the tone mapper. Displayed as icons (with optional name) or as a table.
Input Image Tools
Automatic Image EV determination from EXIF or from image contents + calculator allowing manual EV override from user-entered aperture, exposure time, and ISO. Additional resharpening option is available for RAW inputs. Inspection of EXIF properties.
Fast Viewing & Editing
Full-speed, high quality, aliasing-free scrolling at native resolution. Real-time image editing with tone mapper at any zoom level.
File Formats
Support for various input photo formats: JPEG, RAW (macOS), OpenEXR / Radiance. Support for various output image formats: JPG, TIFF, OpenEXR, Radiance and color spaces: sRGB, ACES CG Linear, Adobe RGB, Pro Photo, DCI-P3.
Cropping Tool
Support for automatic cropping that depends on alignment, and manual cropping and rotation.
Dynamic HDR & LDR Histogram
Image histograms before (HDR) and after (LDR) tone mapping to inspect image features. Both histograms display light intensity under mouse cursor in real time.
Wide & Deep Colors Display
Support for DCI-P3 displays of latest Macs. Editing workflow is completely color matched for accurate results.
Ghost Handling
Improved ghosts (moving subjects across input pictures) handling tools. Delineation of moving regions & selection of which photo(s) contribute to final image for each region. Tool to preview merged image including ghost removal across full exposure range.
Apple Photos Workflow
Share Extension that enables exporting multiple exposures from Apple Photos (or possibly other apps). Rendered image can be exported back to Apple Photos.
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