Review: Morph Age 5


Von Laurell Davenport
auf English

Morph Age is very easy to use. You almost don't even need to read the manual. Though you do to learn the finer points of the program. I was surprised that not only can you morph between two images, but you can morph between multiple images. Rendering was pretty fast and I really had a lot of fun with this program. I think you would too.

Morph Age Pro, l’applicazione professionale per creare incredibili morphing video su Mac


Von Gigi Calabrò
auf Italienisch

Ma una cosa è certa: dopo averci fatto la mano si possono fare cose impensabili e le sequenze morphing realizzate rasentano la perfezione di quelle del cinema. website logo

Review : Morph Age Pro


Von David John
auf Englisch

As you can see for ten minutes work and using only six points of reference Morph Age has done a pretty amazing job in morphing the two images and with more time I have no doubt the result would be cinema quality. (...)
If you are looking for a way of creating cinematic or TV quality morph transformations then Morph Age Pro is definitely the tool for the job.

logo of the French website

Initiation au morphing


Von Bicus von Mac4Ever
auf Französisch

Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zum Erstellen einer Morphing Animation.

picture from the video about how to create a morphing animation by Mac4Ever

Verzerren... nicht nur mit Photoshop

November - Dezember 2009

Von Doc Baumann
auf Deutsch

Article about Morph Age in the German magazine Docma - Pages 66 and 67

Article about Morph Age in the German magazine Docma - Page 71

Rating by the Alaskan Apple User Group: Excellent

Morph Age 4.05


Von Richard Geiger
auf Englisch

Morph Age is a great product that works as advertised. Creaceed did a great job writing a manual so that the software was easy to use.

logo of the German magazine MacUp

Überblenden von Bildern: Morph Age

Juli-August 2009

Von Karsten Rose
auf Deutsch

Article about Morph Age in the German magazine MacUp