
Das Handbuch enthält übrigens viele Bildschirmfotos, damit Sie überaus einfach in die Funktionsvielfalt von Morph Age eintauchen können.
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Tutorial der Yale Universität

Als Teil ihrer neurowissenschaftlichen Studien hat das Yale University's Child Study Center ein Tutorial über das Morphen von Gesichtern geschrieben (nur in Englisch): Face Morphing Tutorial: From Models to Morphs (April 2008).

Autoren: Christopher A. Bailey, Joshua Pendl, Adriane Levin, Seth Olsen, Eric Langlois, Michael J. Crowley, Linda C. Mayes. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie auf der Yale Child Study Center Webseite.
By morph we mean, “to undergo transformation from an image of one object into that of another especially by means of computer-generated animation” (Merriam-Webster, online). This tutorial is designed to guide you in the morphing of human faces. Why bother morphing human faces? We do this mainly for research purposes. Our main interests lie in studying how people, children and adults, read emotion. We want to know how the capacity for reading emotion in the faces of others might impact socialization processes. We believe that most of us probably come to know the minds of others, in part, by reading the emotions of others. Some people are particularly good at reading emotions, some are about average and others struggle with reading emotions.

With the Morph Age software, we can gradually modify the image of a person’s neutral face into an emotionally expressive face. Then we can use the still images, or the video rendered from this process, to study emotion reading ability. We can ask people to tell us what emotion they are seeing and how confident they are. We want to know who reads emotion more quickly and how. Some individuals have a heightened sensitivity for specific emotions.